Welcome to Lucidity Poetry Journal ONLINE
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In 1985, I grew weary of reading poetry that seemed to say nothing. Prestigious poetry journals were publishing poems that the average person could not understand because of their utter obscurity. As a result, most people had become turned off of poetry except for an esoteric few. Not only had poetry become obscure, it was the fashion to make it vulgar to grab our attention.

Allen Ginsberg is a prime example of this genre of verse. Now these many years later, some poets still cherish obtuse lines and gutter language. It is my contention poetry should say something. Not in the form of a moral or a lesson but it ought to somehow impact the reader or hearer. In other words, it should be evocative!  For example, the famous Van Gogh painting of a vase of sunflowers does not teach nor preach but it certainly impacts the viewer. So likewise, a poem should affect people -- arrest their attention!

Using clarity as a critea, I have published LUCIDITY for 26 years. However, I turned 90 in 2013 and had to give up

producing  a hard copy paper and ink journal.  After fracturing both legs and coping with some illness, all phases of Bear House Publishing ceased operations.

But the phoenis has arisen from the ashes  ...  Lucidity will be published ONLINE! Request sample copy at our email address:   lucidpoets@yahoo.com






The first issue of Lucidity had only 36 pages but today it has 68 pages with poets from across the country and from abroad submitting their poems for consideration. The prime requirement for poetry is it must be in understandable English and related to people and human relationships.

We do not want nature poems about butterflies and flowers, nor do we publish religious or political poems. We seek character sketches and human interactions -- the grist of daily life.

Publication is made possible these 25 years by small entry/reading fees and by subscriptions.  We have no advertising nor government grants. Even so, we are now in our 25th year of publication. If you wish to have our submission guidelines, send SASE to us at:

SUGAR LAND TX 77478-3701 USA

or request by Email us at   tedbadger1@yahoo.com

Subscription Rates:  (postpaid in USA)

(Add additional postage for foreign addresses:                                                                                                                           **Mexico or Canada 2 dollars for each year                                                                                                                                                                                                            **All others 5 dollars for each year)

One year -- seven US dollars 
Two years -- twelve US dollars  
Single Copy -- three & half US dollars

  Earlier Issue Sample -- send one dollar bill (for the postage)

Visit  winningwriters.com  to learn about our annual free contests that offer cash prizes with April 30 & October 31 submission deadline.