If You Like Life-Related Poetry
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We publish poets from all over the USA and some from abroad; their poems are down-to-earth and deal with everyday people and their life experiences --- traits and happenings that you can identify with in your own daily encounters.  

Request sample at tedbadger@yahoo.com

Send only one dollar to submit 3 poems for consideration.  Subscriptions are free but we need your email address.

Fold and mail in a #10 envelope with a $1 BILL. No checks, please.  

Poems must not exceed 36 lines and spaces;  limit the length of the lines to about 75 characters and spaces.

Mail to:  TED BADGER/EDITOR,  4118 KNIGHT RD,  FRESNO  TX  77545-2004

Be  sure to place  NAME/ADDRESS & EMAIL  on top of each poem.  

Okay to fold the poems.  Postage will only be 1 Forever stamp.